
Monday, February 7, 2011

Spotted Hyena With Carcass Remains Picture

Spotted hyena carrying remains of carcass, Sabi Sand, South Africa

Caption: Spotted Hyena (Crocuta crocuta) carrying remains of a carcass, Elephant Plains Game Lodge, Sabi Sand, South Africa.

Camera: Canon EOS 1D Mark II; Lens: Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM; Focal length: 300mm; Shutter speed: 1/200; Aperture: f/7.1; ISO: 800.

Although spotted hyena have a reputation as skulking scavengers, this is undeserved as they are accomplished hunters, bringing down about 70% of their own kills.

They prey mainly on medium- to large-size antelope, relying on speed and stamina to run down their prey, rather than stalking. See Spotted Hyena Information for more about this animal, the largest and most widespread of the Hyaenidae family.

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